Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Are you driving your lover bonkers?

It’s true that nobody or no one is perfect. When we look for a life partner we look for certain attributes. But it’s rare to find someone with all qualities that we need. When two people are in love they believe that they are made for each other. Later once they live together couples realize how different they are. Later, the daily trifle issues gain more importance that makes daily life hell. What bothers you is your partner's complains. The constant nagging that you've been driving him/ her crazy. However, if you have been ignoring this reaction thinking that your partner's just overreacting; maybe you should watch your behavior.

Check if you are doing any of these following things daily. 1. Snore like a drilling machine; 2. Be a cling-on or be possessive; 3. Compare constantly. ; 4. Not listening. ; 5. Always be late. ; 6. Give constant advice. ; 7. Harp on old issues. 8. Criticize your partner in front of others. If you are doing any of these things you are a big turn off to your partner.

Though no one snores deliberately, it’s very irritating. At least acknowledge that you have a problem and consult a doctor. Clinging on to a partner due to jealousy or possessiveness can be really stifling. A partner is not always responsible for your happiness and entertainment. So go get a life. At the same time, if you compare or pass on a deaf ear to your partner it shows that you have no respect for your partner. It can be very depressing to hear someone moaning or cribbing about every small thing.

From the abstract:

When two people meet, there are sparks, which make them come together. They start dating, living together and sharing life. Initially both find each other perfect. They believe they are made for each other. Later once they live together couples realize how different they are. Their flaws become more visible than their positive qualities. The honey moon period is then over powered by small tiffs and daily life chores and issues.

Few small issues become big when they become a part of daily life. For instance if you act as a critic to your partner in front of others, this shows that you want to prove that your partner is worthless and incompetent. There is no need for such broadcasting. One can easily point out mistakes in another person but it’s difficult to accept mistakes. In any case, one should avoid the 8 things mentioned above in order to maintain happiness, peace and harmony in a relationship.

It takes a lot to be a couple in ‘love’ for years to come. It needs deep understanding, sacrifice and compromise to remain in love for long.
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